Special Price €9.60 Regular Price €12.00

ISBN 978-618-80923-5-8
264 pages 14Χ20,5 cm

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In this gripping new book about the life and struggle of a Muslim who converted to Christianity, the two conflicting worlds are vividly described by the author, who now lives with his family in Paris. As a Muslim, Joseph Fadelle experienced the divine grace, and made the immensely courageous decision to follow Christ. However, he was persecuted and denounced by his own family, and ended up personifying the truth of Christ’s utterance: ‘Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child…Everyone will hate you because of me’ (Mark 13: 12-13). Respect for man’s freedom is inconceivable to those who deny the priceless gift of God to man, which is his free will. But violence and deprivation of freedom are foreign to the Gospel, since the road that Christ shows us is no other than the road of example: ‘You will be my witnesses…to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8). This was the road of freedom chosen by Joseph Fadelle. For the sake of his faith in Christ he has lost his country and his brethren. Today he lives among us and continues to pay the heavy price for that faith.

(From the Prologue by the Metropolitan of Argolis, Nektarios Antonopoulos).

‘I am certain that I’ll be killed by a Muslim…But I will not cease to witness to the truth. For they will kill my body, not my soul.’

Joseph Fadelle (Le Point magazine, 18/11/2010).

…this book is literally a bombshell. If you plunge into it, ‘The Price to Pay’is a work which will turn out to be beyond price for you, I’m sure of it. And you should take the plunge, because this book is much more than just a testimony. It speaks of a life turned upside down, a life that exploded after its encounter with Christ. This life touches us to the depths of of our heart and soul, while at the same time it begets a sense of joy, wonder and shame. Joy at the occurrence of such an incredible conversion, wonder at the faith which moves mountains, shame at our fears, the fears of us comfortable Westerners, wrapped up in ourselves while our fellow Christians are dying in Iraq and elsewhere in the worst possible circumstances.

Jacques de Guillebon (Le Nef magazine, n° 214, April 2010).

I am aware of the danger, but it makes me happy to witness to the truth. An answer which might have been given by the apostles, two thousand years ago…

Joseph Fadelle (Le Parisien newspaper, 24.13.2010).

‘I think it is very important, first and foremost, to distinguish between Muslims on the one hand, and Islam on the other. The Muslims are my family, we are equals in our humanity. I have a profound love for Muslim people. But Islam, as a religion or an idea, is the worst thing that the human race has created. It’s the only religion that commands you to kill others…I call my truth, which is the Truth, Christ…this truth does not kill, it loves…Christ is tolerance: no one else apart from Him tells us to love our enemies.’

From an interview with Joseph Fadelle, 20.08.2011.

This book is easy to read. I might go as far as to say that it reads like a novel, although it is a true story. A testimony that teaches a lesson. Reading it, we can not remain, as Christians, either indifferent or lukewarm. I thank Joseph Fadelle for giving us this testimony at the risk of his life.

Pierre Tellier, 23.07.2011.



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